The Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has doubled in the last five years. This tool is a new generation of technology that can help you create content from existing data sources, which delivers real-time feedback with accurate results.
This tool can help you make the procurement of supplies and services easier for your company. AI makes a cumbersome purchasing process simpler, faster and more efficient. In addition, it helps you with data data cleansing and categorization, a frustrating and tedious process.
AI is is capable of making accurate predictionsIt can answer questions and improve prediction accuracy. This can be useful in many fields, including decision making within companies. It is useful for answering specific questions and can identify areas of opportunity. It is important to consider that accuracy depends on the data used.
In addition, it is important to consider that procurement professionals must be updated on the real capabilities of new technologies, be aware of their limitations and use common sense to automate the right tasks in a safe way, avoiding increasing risks for their company.
El objetivo principal de la inteligencia artificial no es reemplazar a los seres humanos, sino complementar y potenciar sus habilidades y contribuciones en diferentes campos, entre ellos, la cotización y compra de insumos y servicios. Por esto, Wherex ofrece una solución para encontrar una mayor diversidad de proveedores y potenciar el trabajo de los usuarios en la plataforma.