El marketplace empresarial para licitaciones y cotizaciones de insumos y servicios industriales, Wherex, invita al seminario web “Cómo adaptarse a la nueva economía global en procurement”, el cual se llevará a cabo el próximo miércoles 19 de octubre a las 12 horas.

The event organized by the startup will be led by its co-founders, Felipe Manterola and Benjamín García, who will provide tools and knowledge for sourcing managers and other supply chain professionals, given the current economic crisis that has been marked by constant inflation and the slowdown of the global economy.

Speakers will analyze the main axes of the new economic scenario that is restructuring global value chains and will explain how emerging e-procurement technologies are helping to cushion the crisis, achieve savings and detect better supply offers in the market.

The event is free of charge and those who wish to participate can register now at the following link: https://bit.ly/3Rums29

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