Transparency in bidding is a matter of utmost importance, however public and private organizations are faced with great technical difficulties to ensure traceability and good practices in their processes.
Para abordar esta materia, el estudio de abogados PPU Legal se unió a Wherex en un webinar en donde se explicó y analizó cómo la transformación digital puede contribuir significativamente en la lucha contra colusión y fraudes en los procesos de licitación de empresas y órganos estatales.
In this regard, attorney Ignacio Larraín of PPU Legal referred to the so-called "Emilia Law applied to collusions". This legal figure was recently incorporated in the law that sets the rules for the defense of Free Competition in Chile. With it, the penalties for economic crimes and lack of transparency in bids are stiffened.
"Now there is a risk of serving one year of effective imprisonment. Regardless of the extenuating circumstances, or previous impeccable conduct. Here we are not talking about ethics classes, but about being deprived of liberty for a year", emphasized Larraín.
Mientras PPU Legal expuso acerca de los riesgos e ilícitos asociados a la falta de transparencia en licitaciones, Felipe Manterola, co-founder de Wherex, habló sobre las soluciones tecnológicas y herramientas preventivas que ofrece la plataforma tecnológica.
"Our digital service is effective in fighting collusion and fraud. On the one hand, we protect suppliers competing in bidding processes. But we also advise bidding companies with our technology so that they can design transparent and traceable requirements," explained Manterola.
The executive also pointed out that a purchasing and sales process must have a well-defined regulatory framework and a corporate culture with values. Therefore, a sophisticated compliance policy will not be useful if the necessary technology is not implemented to effectively measure, detect and prevent all possible illicit activities.
According to Larraín, the effective prevention of these crimes requires an active policy that helps to identify any type of risky behavior. "These crimes tend to be committed due to the lack of implementation of surveillance and control mechanisms in companies and organizations".
Manterola entregó algunos tips sobre cómo prevenir estas situaciones. «No existe la fórmula perfecta, pero sí hay cosas en las que uno se puede anticipar. Es posible priorizar riesgos, monitorearlos permanentemente y asegurar la debida diligencia al momento de tomar decisiones complejas». Para esto, agregó, es esencial aprovechar el valor y el potencial de los datos, la tecnología y el Data Analytics. Estas son herramientas que forman parte del servicio que provee Wherex a cientos de empresas licitadoras.
October 11, 2024 | 1min
13 agosto, 2024 | 1min
8 agosto, 2024 | 5mins