What are the procurement trends for 2023 that will make a difference? wherEX has the answer and will share it in its upcoming webinar. From artificial intelligence to sustainability, the webinar will address key topics procurement professionals need to be aware of to stay current and prepared for the challenges ahead.

In the next webinar, to be held in mid-April, panelists will delve deeper into how the adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analytics are becoming a fundamental part of the procurement process. These technologies enable greater efficiency in procurement management and more informed decision making.

In addition, the implementation of "control towers" allows for greater visibility and control in supplier management, reducing the risk of supply chain disruptions. Strategies such as Just In Case, which involves increased stocking of critical inputs, and supplier diversification are also important tools to ensure business continuity in shortage situations.

Another important topic to be discussed in the webinar is Nearshoring, which refers to the practice of establishing suppliers that are geographically closer. This strategy helps to reduce transportation costs and increase agility in supply chain management.

Finally, the webinar will also discuss the importance of sustainability in the procurement process. Companies must consider aspects such as environmental and social impact when selecting their suppliers, ensuring that certain ethical and corporate social responsibility standards are met.

This will be an excellent opportunity for those interested in the procurement world and in keeping up to date on the trends and strategies that will be relevant in 2023.

We will soon share with you the invitation to sign up!

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