B2B sourcing platform, wherEX, has just closed a partnership with contract management software, Webdox, in order to further enhance innovation and efficiency in the industrial ecosystem.

Thanks to this native link between the platforms, it will be possible to integrate and unify the procurement process throughout its life cycle, from the quotation to the signing of the digital contract and its subsequent storage in a digital and easily accessible repository.

Felipe Manterola, co-founder of wherEX, explained that Webdox is already integrated into the business marketplace for sourcing, thus adding to the wide range of services that wherEX offers to its 200 client companies and more than 32 thousand suppliers categorized and associated by industry.

"The incorporation of Webdox to our platform enhances our value proposition. In addition to the constant total opening of the market, where competition and transparency prevail, today we are also offering greater traceability and follow-up of contracts between companies and suppliers", said the commercial engineer of the firm, which operates in Chile, Peru, Mexico and Colombia.

José Manuel Jiménez CEO & Founder of Webdox commented: "The collaboration between wherEX and Webdox allows to connect with agility the supply chains of companies with the world of contracts, their management and compliance. In this way, procurement flows become more agile and flexible while at the same time ensuring compliance, traceability, automation and control of the contracts entered into between the company and its suppliers".

Webdox is the leading CLMS (Contract Lifecycle Management Software) in Latin America, which digitally connects legal management and business areas through the integrated management of the contract lifecycle, generating greater efficiency and business performance.

With a presence in 13 Latin American countries and more than 400 clients, it has generated a contractual collaboration network that complies with local regulations and adapts to the markets of each country, guaranteeing information security and promoting fairer, more efficient and transparent business relationships in the region's companies.

To learn more about Webdox CLM, you can visit their website www.webdoxclm.com .

Source: Estrategia Newspaper

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