When we first heard about Artificial Intelligence it seemed like science fiction, but today it is part of our daily lives, it is in our cell phones, in the purchases we make online, in the digital platforms we use and it has also been changing the way in which many companies invest in technology.

It is not for nothing that software and platforms have had a 500% growth in just 7 years, according to Gartner.. Today there are many companies that are taking advantage of digital transformation by implementing cloud technologies to boost their business, optimize time and resources. According to projections for 2025, it is expected that 80% of companies will be supported by this type of tools in different business areas. in different business areas.

Las áreas de abastecimiento no se han quedado atrás. Hoy las plataformas digitales como Wherex han resultado ser grandes aliados para eficientar las labores cotidianas de los compradores. Lo cual no significa que estas tecnologías puedan reemplazar estos puestos de trabajo, sino que vienen a automatizar labores tediosas y rutinarias para que éstos se encarguen de ejecutar un rol más táctico, sobre todo, porque el ser humano tiene gran cantidad de habilidades y capacidades que la tecnología aún no puede imitar, como empatía, iniciativa, capacidad de trabajo en equipo, comprensión de contexto, entre otras.

Learn about the 3 features that will help you enhance your role

Required documentation:

We understand that one of the main problems that buyers may have when evaluating bids is realizing that they are incomplete, that suppliers did not complete all the necessary information and this may cause one not to be considered for awards.This new functionality allows to create a simple and intuitive flow to request specific documents in each bid and then let the participating suppliers know in a clear way that these are very important within the information that their bid must have, and thus ensure that the bids that arrive are as complete as possible.

Clone bids:
To facilitate the creation and publication of bids, especially recurring ones, we have enabled the option to clone them.

This functionality will allow you to create a new bid with the same products, units of measure, quantities, requesting units, dispatch units and comments, making processes more efficient and reducing time and effort.


Communication between buyers and suppliers within the procurement process is a key issue related to the success of tenders. For this reason, we complement the flow of questions and answers with the option for buyers to make announcements to all suppliers that are participating in the bidding process within the platform.

This flow will help to update suppliers on purchasing processes or clarify certain things so that they can bid in the best possible way.


Learn more about these and other functionalities to optimize your work in our news center


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